

U.S. EPA Reaffirms Glyphosate is Not Carcinogenic

EPA’s cancer evaluation is more robust than IARC’ s evaluation. IARC's evaluation only considers data that have been published or accepted for publication in the openly available scientific literature. As a result, IARC only considered a subset of the studies included in the EPA’ s evaluation. For instance, IARC only considered 8 animal carcinogenicity studies while the agency used 15 acceptable carcinogenicity studies in its evaluation. The EPA also excluded some studies that were not appropriate for determining the human carcinogenic potential of glyphosate, such as studies in non-mammalian species (i.e., worms, fish, reptiles, and plants) which IRAC used in its evaluation.

首先,環保署的癌症評估比國際癌症研究機構更加周全。國際癌症研究機構的評估僅考慮已經被發表或被接受發表於公開科學期刊中的數據。因此,國際癌症研究機構僅考慮了環保署評估研究中的子項目。例如,國際癌症研究機構僅採用了八項動物致癌性研究,而環保署在評估報告中採用了十五項被接受的致癌性研究。同時,環保署也排除了一些不適於評估嘉磷塞在人體致癌風險的研究,但國際癌症研究機構卻加入其評估報告,像是在非哺乳類動物上的研究(例如: 環節動物、魚類、兩棲動物與植物)

The Agency’s cancer evaluation for glyphosate is also more transparent. EPA' s draft cancer evaluation was presented to a FIFRA SAP for external peer review. EPA solicited public comment on the carcinogenic potential of glyphosate as part of the SAP process, which is well­documented with an agenda, transcript, meeting notes, and final SAP report. EPA responded to the SAP report, addressed panel recommendations, and made revisions to its cancer assessment that were transparent and provided to the public. EPA also solicited public comment on its full human health and ecological risk assessment for glyphosate in February 2018. In contrast, IARC meetings are not accessible to the public. Its deliberations are closed, it’s process does not allow for public comments to be submitted for consideration, there are no materials provided in advance of the meeting, and IARC’ s reports are final without an external peer review.


The EPA has not identified any new information received during the public comment period which ended on April 30, 2018 that would result in changes to the conclusion of its cancer assessment. The agency’ s cancer conclusion is consistent with other regulatory authorities and international organizations, including the Canadian Pest Management Regulatory Agency, the Australian Pesticide and Veterinary Medicines Authority, the European Food Safety Authority, the European Chemicals Agency, the German Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, the Joint FAO/WHO Meeting on Pesticide Residues, the New Zealand Environmental Protection Authority, and the Food Safety Commission of Japan.


全文請見 https://www.epa.gov/ingredients-used-pesticide-products/proposed-interim-registration-review-decision-and-responses